Инновационный центр СтАР

Кировское областное государственное бюджетное учреждение здравоохранения

"Кировский клинический стоматологический центр"

адрес: 610020, г. Киров, ул. К. Либкнехта 92
e-mail: kstp@e-kirov.ru

телефон единого call-центра (8332) 64-26-51

в будние дни с 7:00 до 18:00



In case you arrived at Kirov by plane:
- Bus: #116 from the airport to both the central railway station / the central bus station
- Taxi: use mobile apps Yandex.Taxi / Uber / TapTaxi, or call +7(8332)700-700
- For city map, bus routes, restaurants, supermarkets, pharmacies and other use mobile app “2gis” (offline maps)
- In order to track city transport, use mobile app “passengr”

In case you arrived at Kirov by train:
- Taxi: use mobile apps Yandex.Taxi / Uber / TapTaxi, or call +7(8332)700-700
- For city map, bus routes, restaurants, supermarkets, pharmacies and other use mobile app “2gis” (offline maps)
- In order to track city transport, use mobile app “passengr”

In order to find an accommodation, you can:
- find and book it yourself through Booking.com, Tripadvisor and other
- ask a tourist operator
- contact us through an email or by filling in an application form


Министерство здравоохранения Кировской области

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